Cómo Dejé las Redes Sociales y Aún Crecí mi Negocio un 165% con Kate Kordsmeier – Amy Porterfield
Listen on… Discover how quitting social media can enhance your business growth with Kate Kordsmeier.
Imagine a world where you no longer engage with social media, where there’s no endless scrolling on TikTok or Instagram marketing – would your business still thrive? Well, it’s more than possible! My guest today, the amazing Kate Kordsmeier, made the decision to quit social media in 2021 and saw her business grow by an outstanding 165%. Personally, I have a complex relationship with social media. While I see its benefits for my business, there are aspects I don’t particularly enjoy. Therefore, today’s conversation was both uncomfortable and incredibly enlightening for me!
Kate is an entrepreneur and the CEO of “Success With Soul,” an online business that empowers women entrepreneurs to thrive without burnout. She’s here today to challenge you to rethink how you connect, market, and grow your business in the digital era. She shares her journey of logging off social media permanently, offers insights on whether it’s the right move for you, and provides strategies to boost your business, email list, and creativity without relying heavily on social media.
You ventured into entrepreneurship with the goal of living life on your terms. So, if you’ve ever felt chained to Instagram, questioned the effectiveness of Facebook, or simply lost joy in using social media, then this episode is a must-listen, offering a wakeup call you didn’t know you needed!
In this episode, you’ll discover: (5:17) Kate’s decision to completely quit social media
(10:27) Tactics for expanding your email list without social media and the importance of SEO
(20:08) How to determine if quitting social media is right for you and steps to begin distancing yourself
(28:25) The amazing creative opportunities outside of social media marketing
(31:56) Common myths about social media and tips for incorporating it alongside other aspects of your business Click here to listen!
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